Friday, November 20, 2015

Understanding Navicular Disease In Horses

By Mattie Knight

Navicular disease is a fairly common problem in athletic horses. The cause is not very clear but the underlying problem is degeneration of the navicular bone and other tarsal bones. As it progresses, the competitiveness of the horse is greatly reduced and there is constant pain that has to be managed. We will look at some of the important facts relating to navicular disease in horses.

The onset of this condition is gradual and characteristically presents with intermittent lameness. When both the anterior and posterior limbs are affected, as happens frequently, making the diagnosis becomes very difficult. This is because the disability on the two limbs cancel out each other. Taking the horse for a lunge might help you notice the abnormality. A more objective way of examining is performing a nerve block in one of the affected limbs.

There are several factors that have been established to predispose to the condition. Conformational abnormalities relating to the hoofs are one of the commonest problems. Those at the greatest risk are narrow, upright, small or have long toes. With such abnormalities, the distribution of weight through the feet is uneven. Some of the tarsal bones such as the navicular bone are progressively damaged leading to lameness.

Horses that race on hard irregular ground are at a high risk. Such ground has been shown to increase the stress that is exerted on tendons and bones of the feet. The same may happen if your animal spends time in the standing position for prolonged periods. In this position, a lot of weight is transmitted through the feet leading to increased damage to the bones and tendons.

Improper fitting shoes are a known cause of damage to feet. This has been affirmed by the fact that the incidence of this problem is higher in domesticated horses compared to those living freely in the wild. Metallic shoes do not allow for expansion of the toes during movement. This impairs the flow of blood into the tarsal ligaments and bones. Barefoot trimming and proper shoe section can help reduce this problem.

Several treatment options exist. These are categorized as either conservative or invasive (surgical). Conservative options involve proper shoe selection and administration of analgesic drugs. NSAIDs are arguably the most commonly used class of drugs. They provide relief in most affected horses but may lead to some side effects especially in the renal and gastrointestinal systems. Stopping drug administration intermittently helps minimize these side effects.

The other class of drugs that is commonly used is corticosteroids. They are a particularly good choice if the animal has failed to respond to NSAIDs. Up to 80% of affected animals will exhibit some improvement within 4 months of initiating treatment. The drug is injected around the bone (navicular bursa) once or twice a day as prescribed by the vet. The main downside of such intra bursa injections is the increased risk of tendon rupture.

There are a number of surgical options available. What is worth noting is that surgery is not a cure; it merely eases the pain especially if all other options are ineffective. The other advantage is that it improves competitiveness. One of the types performed commonly is known as palmer digital neurectomy.

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