Monday, June 27, 2016

7 Triathlon Training Tips By Experts

By Douglas Bailey

Triathlon events around the world are receiving more participants by the day. Many people register and begin preparing for the big day but only a few enjoy the outcome or achieve expected results. Some end up injured and have to begin life a fresh after this frustration. The outcome you get depends on the triathlon training program you undertake. According to accomplished athletes and sporting scientists, there are tips that will enable you achieve desired goals.

Regardless of your prowess in other areas, you must adopt a professional training schedule specifically for this event. It takes more than cycling for long distances and being fit. General fitness comes first after which you focus on being ready to cycle or swim. These are the basics that make you competitive in triathlons.

It makes no sense to exert pressure on your body during every exercise session. Too much pressure leads to fatigue in the long run. There is need to have a program divided between pressure and relaxation sessions that should be designed in consultation with a professional. Workout is also determined by your rate of heart beat. This understanding helps you to handle competition and your body while either under pressure or relaxed.

The interchange between pressure moments and relaxation moment should be handled seriously. Low gear training should not be assumed as mere relaxation. It offers psychological rewards that are necessary especially for the protracted battles of triathlons. It is at this moment that fat is mobilized to boost energy supply, capillary density enhanced to facilitate better flow of blood and removal of waste, heart stroke enhanced to guarantee the right cardiac output and the ability of muscles to supply required energy is tested. With the guidance of a professional, low intensity workouts will be rewarding.

There are advantages of working with a coach that will never be enjoyed unless you hire one. They include pushing your body to its limits. Such a coach may be real or virtue where podcasts and videos are used. Only a coach can help you hit your top performance and thus learn your limits. By pushing your limits, you can easily win competitions.

Speed is important for any competition but for triathlon, endurance will offer great rewards. Wins for such events arise out of the ability to sustain a certain speed over a period of time. Study your performance to identify regression pace and thus master your performance over an extended distance.

Triathlons should not be considered as fun events only. Many participants have ended up bruised and injured while preparing or participating. The secret is to get proper workout gear and shoes like any other sporting professional. Understand the rules that govern the sports you are going to participate in. Since you are going to spend time and energy preparing for the games, make your preparations worthwhile.

Beginners experience anxiety at every moment of preparation. There is a temptation to prolong training to the last day without relaxing to help muscles recover and be ready for competition. At the end of it all, you should aim to finish the race smiling and eager to participate in the next one.

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