Monday, April 9, 2018

Leading Instructional Rounds: Answers To A Few Questions

By Jason Bailey

When the term Executive Coach is thrown around, a few questions come to mind if the not inappropriate imagery of a man hired to motivate individuals packed in a boardroom at their wits to end on how to solve a problem. But in actuality it isn t that far off from the truth except for a few crucial key details. Leading instructional rounds are there for creating management staff that are competent at handling complex tasks in the field of decision making and development.

Coaches themselves are hired or recommended as part and parcel of developmental programs for executive staff. Furthermore, their services could be acquired if there is a need or gap in the way communication or relationships, in general, are handled, which could affect productivity. Lastly, Executive Coaches could be and in some cases, specifically hired for the grooming of staff for larger roles within an organisation but with that said it does not mean they aren t hired to correct behavioural problems like they used to in the past.

In order to be an Executive Coach, one needs to hail from an experience-based position as this is something that cannot simply be taught at a tertiary institution. Most Coaches hail from a Human Resources, Executive or even Therapy based background. And although the field is not accredited, certification is often obtained from the international Coaching Association.

The ways in which Coaches do their work vary from place to place but the core tenants of their work remain the same and include an assessment phase where Coaches are able to observe what is going on in order to pinpoint key areas that require work. From there, a Coach will move onto the developmental planning phase where they try to correct these wrongs and once this goal has been achieved and the error ones areas are negated, they can end their commitment to that organisation.

So it may beg the question of why hire a Coach in the first place? Fundamentally to correct behavioural problems but to also ensure that newly promoted managers are competent and successful in their newly found roles.

The career prospects or better yet the barriers to entry into this field of work are best suited for ex HR personnel or retired executive but due to the lack of formal certification, many enter the field once they have obtained certification from the international coach federation in order to provide some form of regulation within this industry.

The job of being a Coach is one that is an industry that is growing at an astonishing rate with Executive Coaches in the United States able to charge $500 an hour in some cases. A profession that takes the merits of its beginnings from previous job experiences such as Human Resources or Therapy.

But it s of importance to illustrate that Executive Coaching is not therapy or consultancy even if a Coach may start there. It s Important to know the difference if searching for an Executive Coach.

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