Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Basic Principles On Colon And Rectal Surgery Long Island Residents May Benefit From

By Rebecca Kennedy

In the lowermost part of the digestive tract, just before the anus, lies the colon followed by the rectum. These two parts of the large bowel may get diseased due to one reason or the other. Generally, the colorectal region can become dysfunctional as a result of physical trauma, infection, tumours and congenital disorders. While a few may be treated by medication, most conditions need an operation to correct. These are some of principles on colon and rectal surgery Long Island residents may find interesting.

One of the common conditions in the colorectal region is called hemorrhoids. Sometimes, blood vessels in the rectum may get swollen without any reason at all. However, certain factors may predispose one to getting hemorrhoids. Prolonged straining on defecation is one these factors. This is usually as a result of low fiber diet. Pregnancy, obesity and anal sex are additional risk factors.

The primary treatment for hemorrhoids is medical since most of them present early when symptoms are still mild. The doctor will prescribe stool softeners to facilitate easy stool passage. Soaking the anal area in warm salty water for a certain period of time also helps a great deal in restoring normal function. It goes without saying that drinking adequate amounts of water and high fiber diet will help in alleviating constipation. When these measures fail, surgery has to be considered.

Hemorrhoids can be removed without requiring general anesthesia. The patient can walk into hospital and walk out the same day. This can be done using rubber bands placed around the swelling. When this is done, blood supply to this area is compromised and the hemorrhoid eventually falls off. This method is usually referred to as rubber band ligation.

Sclerotherapy is another way in which the hemorrhoids can be removed if the patient would like to walk out of the hospital the same day although they tend to recur with this form of treatment. It is as simple as injecting a chemical directly into the hemorrhoid. The composition of the chemical makes it possible for the swelling to subside.

Hemorrhoid surgery, also called hemorrhoidectomy is indicated when the swellings are too large or if the other options fail. The surgery is usually done under general anaesthesia, although local and regional forms can be considered. The advantage of surgical removal is that it reduces the chances of recurrence to almost zero. Unfortunately, it has more complications including urine incontinence and infections of the urinary tract.

Colorectal cancer is another typical condition that may require colorectal surgery. It is usually an old age disease but can affect youngsters with a positive family history. Smoking, obesity and polyps also increase the chance of cancer. Cancer limited to the colon and rectum can be cured by removal of the diseased part and joining the normal ends together. This is medically referred to as resection and anastomosis. In some unfortunate cases, the cancer may have spread to involve the anal sphincters which control stool passage. These have to be removed during the surgery to prevent further spread and recurrence. The patient will have to live with a bag that empties stool through an opening made in the abdomen (colosmtomy bag).

The patient needs to be informed about the risks involved in colorectal surgery before the procedure is performed. If under general anaesthesia, the patient is at risk of aspiration, the heart and vessels may also collapse if not closely monitored and healthy structures may get injured in the process of operation. Regardless, the benefits are often more than the risks.

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