Monday, December 22, 2014

Get The Right Bug Out Bag Supplies For You And Your Family

By Stacey Burt

When a disaster strikes and you have to get out of wherever you are and go someplace a little safer, you need to be organized about what you do, where you go and what you take with you. As far as what to take with you, that is the stuff that will keep you alive and protected for the next few days. That is why you need to have bug out bag supplies ready for just such an occasion.

Your bag, which could be a fairly large container, must contain the stuff to allow you and your entire party to do more than survive for at least three days. This gathering of materials will begin with water. Every one needs at least one gallon a day. More if it is hot outside and more if you will have to exert yourselves in order to get away.

Food will have to be considered. Perishables will not be a good choice as they will not last very long and you are going to be on the move. Cans will be the best, but they get heavy. You can use the cans, afterward, to cook food in if you keep them clean and dry. Make sure you bring a can opener.

Pack a tarp or large plastic sheet. This will provide you with a measure of shelter. Something that is critical especially if it might be raining or in other inhospitable weather. This sheet can be draped over several branches or from a bush to another bush and slanted to keep water away from you.

Blankets or sleeping bags for each member of your party should also be packed. You must stay as warm as possible so everyone can get a good nights sleep, each night. You will need the energy. These must be kept dry so as to maintain their ability to keep you dry and warm. You can also use these to cover and camouflage stuff if you have to be away from camp for a while.

A hand crank radio will be needed to follow the news as it comes through. Your cell phone and or laptop computer may not be able to get a signal, depending on the disaster and how far ranging it is, so think seriously before you try to load these up.

A small shovel will be appropriate as will any toilet paper and other paper of all sorts. Body wastes are something that must be dealt with and, if all you have is a hole in the ground, so be it. A camp stove, or simply a small can, under a larger one where a fire can be started will be helpful unless you think you would enjoy cold food, for all meals, every day. Pack some matches in a water proof container or, better yet, a simple flint and striker system, easily put in a pocket.

This all important bag could consist of a large back pack, a few ruck sacks or even larger containers. They should be easy to carry and comfortable for all who wear them. Make sure to spread the weight among all members. A good way for every one to carry their own weight is to ensure each person carries their own food and water. This will help teach the responsibilities that are going to be needed, now.

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