Friday, January 30, 2015

Preparing Disaster Preparedness Kits For The Elderly

By Janine Hughes

Disasters like floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires and earthquakes, among others have the potential of changing your life instantly. Others like bomb attacks, terrorism and chemical poisoning are man made and may happen anytime. While younger family members may manage to survive on minimal provisions, the elderly are very vulnerable. Disaster preparedness kits for the elderly are therefore slightly different.

In order to provide for the needs of all members of your family, several measures must be put in place. Begin by identifying the threats that you are exposed to depending on your environment. When planning for escape, consider the medical requirements in an unconventional setting. Preparations for floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes are not similar.

Safety is more than having an emergency kit. Identify community resource centers and how people in the locality are notified of disasters. It could be through the local radio, TV, weather station, etc. Each community also has rescue plans like emergency centers and evacuation procedures. Be keen to watch out for warnings and know the best action to take.

Plan your escape from the premises and the area. Identify the paths you can use and earmark two in opposite directions. Once or twice every year, conduct escape drills to familiarize every family member with appropriate and effective escape procedures. Each member of the family should be assigned a responsibility during escape. Identify a safe location to gather away from the disaster site after escaping. Storied houses should have escape ladders that are easy to mount and use.

Responding to disasters requires effective communication. Identify the best communication mode to notify all members and coordinate escape. The method chosen should be least reliant on established networks since they also might be damaged.

Survival during the disaster depends on what you pack into the kit. Include non-perishable food items to last a few days. Consider your family size and include clean drinking water. Pack a flashlight, batteries and warm clothing. Matchboxes should be wrapped in waterproof packs.

Disasters are likely to displace you for a prolonged period of time. Photocopy identification documents alongside credit cards and other crucial documents. Include a whistle, a Swiss army knife and multipurpose tools. Pack some cash in notes and coins since financial systems might be affected. Special provisions like contact lens, medical prescription and batteries for hearing aids should go into the kit.

Maintenance of your emergency kit is as important as its content. Food items that are expired should be replaced and all canned foods stored in a cool dry place. Protect boxed food from insects and pest and revisit the content every year. Revisiting helps you to identify the changes you need to make based on the current needs of each member.

Each family member should have an updated emergency contact and health card. It must be kept within the kit. It includes such information as medication, immunizations, blood group, allergies and any communication difficulty, among other personalized information.

Learn basic first aid procedures like CPR and AED use for emergency assistance. Consider what the sick and elderly will require including wheelchairs, personal care items, blindness accessories and hearing aids. If you own a pet, plan for it effectively.

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