Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Assisi & The Importance Of Taurine For Cats

By Robin Setser

Cats can be best described as carnivores. They need meat in order to survive, seeing as how protein is the most essential component of any feline's diet. Of course, you have to consider that protein is not as easily processed in all cats. In order to better understand what can be done, especially by those who are concerned pet owners, I think that it's important to go over taurine - in addition to its specific details - first and foremost.

For those who do not know, taurine is a type of amino acid that pet owners may bring into the diets of their cats. It's not like this type of nutrient is hard to come by, seeing as how it is normally found in various types of fish and other meats. As a result, you can be certain that cats will require it in large amounts as well. You may wonder what can happen if cats are unable to process protein normally. To say that it would be unfortunate probably goes without saying.

A protein deficiency, in cats, can usually result in a number of health-related problems. Everything from blindness to enlarged hearts can be created, which goes to show just how cats require this particular nutrient. There's also the matter of potential tooth decay, which makes the simple act of eating nothing short of a chore. Different solutions can be brought to the forefront, though, and pet owners would be wise to take these into consideration.

First of all, Assisi will tell you to be mindful of the types of food that you feed your cat. Canned food is often looked at as a high-quality source of protein, meaning that this could be an option to look to. This is especially true for cats which cannot properly metabolize protein; they will need higher amounts in order to make up for it. Secondly, take your cat to your veterinarian and see if medical solutions can be administered. You may find that minimization of stress can help, especially for cats with enlarged hearts.

Protein is, without question, the most important part of any cat's regimen. For this reason, it's that much more unfortunate when certain cats are unable to metabolize the nutrient in question for greater health. I am of the opinion that consulting one's veterinarian can prove useful, during health-related concerns, and pet owners around the world will agree. Focus on the methods and solutions you are given, and your cat's health will improve in time.

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