Thursday, April 9, 2015

You Can Discover Alternative Thyroid Care Solutions With Las Vegas Functional Medicine

By Carlene Eriksson

Hypothyroidism is among the most difficult of conditions for doctors to identify, and can be even more difficult to manage in a safe and effective way. Because of that, many patients have turned away from traditional medical options and focused their energies on the more natural assistance that a Las Vegas thyroid doctor can provide.

Many of these doctors practice what has come to be known as functional medicine. This form of care differs in significant ways from what we consider to be conventional medical care. Whereas traditional medical practices focus on addressing the disease, functional care is patient-centered.

This holistic approach to medical care involves a number of central concepts. The first is recognizing that any plan must be centered on the patient's whole being. That causes functional practitioners to examine possible environmental factors or behaviors that may be contributing to the condition, and developing care plans accordingly.

Those symptoms are hard enough to identify in hypothyroid cases, since they include everything from weight gain to energy loss. The body can be sensitive to extreme cold, skin can dry out, and headaches can occur. Moreover, patients can experience any combination of these ill effects.

The problem is that these symptoms are common to many other ailments as well, and care plans that merely address the symptoms may easily miss the real source of the problem. That is what makes functional medical practitioners unique: they employ methods designed to identify root causes and address underlying issues.

No one is questioning the importance of modern medicine. Even so, it is important to realize that even the best conventional doctors cannot solve every medical issue before them, since their disease-centered approach is not always sufficient to provide every patient with needed relief. At such times, functional medical practitioners can better aid patients as they seek whole-body wellness.

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