Saturday, May 6, 2017

What You Might Need To Know About DaVinci Robotic Surgery Houston Texas

By Steven Howard

Just about everyone will have to have some type of surgery during their lifetime. It can be as simple as a tonsillectomy or as complicated as removing a tumor from the brain, there are always a risk of complications. There are a number of ways that the surgeon and attending physician can reduce that risk including monitoring the patients diet and exercise. Using robots to help assist or completely perform the surgery is one of the newest and most impressive ways to help reduce risks associated with the complications of an operation. If you are faced with going under the knife, ask your family doctor and surgeon about getting DaVinci robotic surgery Houston, Texas.

The unit was designed and developed by an American company named Intuitive Surgical. They received approval in the year 2000 and since then, the robot has assisted or performed thousands, if not millions, of operations. It is believed that the unit helps reduce mishaps, blood loss and recovery time when the unit performs the procedure.

When using the robot, the surgeon has complete control of it. It has a console that the doctor uses to control the units arms. The wrists of the unit are more flexible and can get into positions that the human hand cannot. The steadiness and flexibility combined make the operation go more smoothly and gives the patient less of a chance of mishaps and blood loss.

Over the past few years, the popularity of the unit has increased. This is because the unit is so good at what it does, many of the bigger hospitals have purchased one to decrease the risks and recovery time of their patients.

It is common to use the robot in surgeries such as prostate removal and hysterectomies but many surgeons have discovered the benefits to using them during other more complicated surgeries. Many surgeons have discovered the robot can be used in many life saving procedures. This makes the unit a valuable member of surgery team.

When the unit is used in laparoscopic procedures, it greatly reduces the stress of the surgeon and attending physician. This type of procedure is usually performed while the surgeon is standing up using instruments that are not necessarily designed for this type of operation. When the robot is used, the surgeon has his eyes on the patient while controlling the arms and hands of the unit. He can often do this while he is in a sitting position, therefore a twelve hour surgery is not as hard on his back and legs. Because he does not have to check a nearby monitor to see his performance, there is a lot less stress on him mentally as well.

Although the robot is a valuable tool to help in certain operations and procedures, many are not happy with the price tag of the unit. It can often cost over two million dollars and will often cost thousands of dollars for up keep and maintenance.

To find out more about the robot that assists in operations, do a little research online. There are many hospitals that use the unit on a regular basis. To find one in your area, ask your doctor or call the local hospitals for more information.

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