Saturday, January 13, 2018

The New Kid On Rolfing Therapy San Diego In Body And Spine Alignment

By John Hayes

Dancers and practitioners of yoga tend to notice when their bodies feel out of alignment. They are people who tend to be in touch with their bodies. I can lay claim to such a self-awareness myself, having been a dancer most of my life. The article will lead us through the topic the new kid on rolfing therapy san diego in body and spine alignment.

I remember it driving me so crazy hearing this answer over and over as a young child. Then one day it clicked. I asked a question and he gave me the same six one way, half a dozen the other answer and I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled as it finally made sense. As we work very hard to bring Structural Integration out of the mystical mountains and into the forefront, people can often be confused by what this analysis is being called.

When we look at the most common and mainstream types of manual treatment everyone knows of physical therapy and massage therapy. The amount of people that have heard of and have received Rolfing or Structural Integration or the Rolf Method of Structural Integration or whatever term a school puts on their graduates, are just a fraction compared to physical therapy and massage treatment.

The blogosphere is all abuzz with it. Rolfing is a method developed by Ida Rolf, the famous American biochemist. The method she developed tries to achieve its ends on the premise that most of the body's pain comes from incorrect body and spine alignment. In her theory, gravity and the body's responses are what are responsible for the poor alignment seen in our muscles, the spine, the bones and connective tissue.

Anyone who has completed training at any of the other schools of Structural Integration may not use the terms, Rolfing, Rolfer, or Rolfed at any time. Rolfing is a brand name for the process of Structural Integration. Over the years, as Ida P. Rolf developed her life's work, her clients and students referred to the process as Rolfing for short, over her name of the work, Structural Integration.

Using clearly defined principles in a systematic and consistent manner, a Rolfer manipulates tissue in order to lessen the effects of the constant pull of gravity. In Deep Tissue massages, tight tissue and toxins are released locally, on a table, often with heavy, direct, stagnant pressure. The benefits are increased blood and oxygen flow, resulting in tissue repair and pain management.

Rather, it is an extension of other alignment techniques like yoga. A practitioner kneads your connecting tissue nearly to breaking point. Being flexible is just something you should be doing for yourself. That in the process, you have done for you. The treatment lasts for ten sessions to fully see the reduction of pain.

We are now in a period of time where we have many great schools that are teaching some derivative of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. Most schools refer to their graduates as Structural Integrators, but a few may have their own label or term. A good example of a language issue can be seen when we look at automobiles or cars. I remember my best friend's family and how they referred to their cars.

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