Monday, July 30, 2018

Instructional Rounds Consultation Helps To Improve The Quality Of Education

By Frances Bennett

Teachers have tremendously responsible jobs but they often have to do their work under very difficult circumstances. The have to deal with large classes, disciplinary problems, heaps of admin work and a general lack of resources. They are also expected to be involved in extra curricular activities. The heavy work load is the main reason why teachers so often work in isolation. There is little time to attend courses or to interact with other educators. However, with instructional rounds consultation they can get an opportunity to grow professionally.

The idea is basic and extremely easy to implement anywhere. A small number of teachers visit a colleague to watch him at his job. They do this in order to learn from that colleague and that is why teachers being observed are normally professionals that are known for their excellent results. During these observation sessions the visiting teachers do not interact with the observed teachers or the students. They simply observe and learn.

Before every observation session, the observing teacher meet in order to set objectives for the session. These objectives will normally focus on those aspects of teaching for which the teacher under observation is very well regarded. For example, a teacher may be well known for the effective way in which he uses multimedia in his class and the objectives of the session will then focus on this aspect.

These observation sessions should never be seen as evaluation sessions. There is never any element of evaluation during these sessions. The role of the visitors are to learn not to judge and care is taken to make sure that the students understand this fact. This is one of the reason why visiting teachers never provide feedback to the teacher being observed, unless he specifically request such feedback.

After the observation session the observing teachers meet yet again. The purpose of the meeting is to compare notes and to share the lessons that each member has learned. They also generate ideas on how to use those lessons to improve their own teaching techniques. During this meeting nobody is allowed to voice any criticism and the discussions are deemed to be confidential. No report is submitted.

This easy to implement system has become all the rave. Schools now visit each other and even colleges and universities are starting to see the benefits of observation sessions. It does not require a lot of money and it offers many advantages to both teachers, teachers under observation and, of course, students. Most participants in this system report that they benefited greatly from observing and being observed.

Critics say that the system is far too informal. The do not like the idea that no feedback is given and that no reports are submitted. They also think that the observation sessions are too short to be of real value. They furthermore think that teachers being observed take special trouble with their lessons because they want to impress their colleagues. This, they say, creates a false impression of how that teacher normally acts in class.

There can be no doubt that the educational system is under great pressure. Every effort at helping teachers to grow professionally should be applauded and supported. Observation sessions have many supporters that say that they, and therefore the entire system, benefit from it.

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