Thursday, September 6, 2018

Useful Facts About Testosterone Replacement Therapy St Petersburg FL

By Karen Sullivan

When a man has low levels of the hormone testosterone, it does not mean that treatment will definitely be needed. The replacement treatment has some side effects, plus there are not clear known benefits in the long term. A doctor should be consulted for one to know whether the treatment is suitable for them. In considering testosterone replacement therapy St Petersburg FL residents ought to be versed with what it involves.

There are instances where symptoms of low testosterone are obvious while in some cases they are subtle. The levels of the hormone decline naturally in men over time because of aging. There however are some conditions that lead to low levels. They include decreased muscle mass, depression, erectile dysfunction and irritability. If a man has low levels of the hormone and subsequent tests indicate they have abnormally low levels, they will need replacement therapy. If there are no symptoms, treatment might not be recommended.

There are a number of forms of the replacement. One option is the skin patch which is worn on the arms or upper body sections. It should be applied once every day. Gels can also be used. They come in packets of clear gel containing the hormone. When the gel is applied, there will be hormone absorption through the skin. Those affected can also use a mouth patch which can be taken as a tablet or though other oral means. Injections and implants are the other available option.

One should know what the therapy involves. Generally, it is not easy to predict the results because treatments work differently in individuals. In many people however, the possible outcomes are improved energy levels, more quality erections and improved sex drive. The mass of muscles could also improve, as well as density of bones.

There are possible side effects that one should expect. These include itching, rash and irritation at the site where the hormone was applied. Some studies show that there is increased risk of stroke and heart attack that is associated with the use of testosterone. Conditions that might be made worse with the treatment include sleep apnea, blood clots and congestive heart failure.

There are men that grow breasts after the procedure. That is not a common occurrence but is a possibility when there is conversion of testosterone into estrogen. The effects of testosterone are diminished by estrogen. The use if aromatase inhibitors controls this effect but should also be closely monitored. The monitoring is important because if there is over-suppression of estrogen, there will be a feeling of fatigue.

There is the possibility that treatment might result in infertility. That happens when testicles are not able to make enough testosterone and sperms. That is what affects fertility negatively. People that use the hormones for long will end up having their natural production of testosterone affected.

For those that are uncertain whether the treatment is suitable for them, a doctor should be consulted. They will explain the benefits and risks. Most importantly, a doctor tests the level of the hormone several times before advising on whether treatment is advisable.

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